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Covid-19 The Panic of 2020

Seeing the unprecedented panic sweeping the USA and apparently the whole world, it seemed a good idea to share my side of a conversation with our Heavenly Father in case it might help someone deal with the societal turmoil.  I wrote the prayer, posted it to Facebook and purchased 14 days advertising (Facebook calls it “boosting”) through my Facebook personal page.  Facebook statistics as of 03/29/2020 are recorded below.

Clay Willis

Published by Clay Willis · March 14 at 6:43 PM

My prayer for March 14, 2020:

Father, I know that you are with your people always and know their hearts and minds. But as I speak with my family, friends, coworkers and neighbors I am appalled at their level of fear concerning this latest viral pestilence.

We forget that You are watching over us — always! Send Your comfort and peace to us so that we may CALMLY continue to watch over our families, friends and neighbors and be ready to help anyone who is afflicted.

You have not spoken to me but I see little difference in this virus and those that have afflicted us for many, many years now. If I’m wrong about that, show me the truth.

However, it seems to me that those same people who try to drive Your influence from our culture, those same people who despise this great country you’ve given us, those same people who make fun of Christians, those same people who are wishing for our economy to tank because it will help them gain power — those are the people who are greatly exaggerating the threat from this virus.

Unfortunately, most of our leaders are going along with this exaggeration out of fear of WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN.

So I ask You, Father, to directly intervene in this matter. Make this pestilence go away even more quickly that these things normally do. Help your people to be strong, to continue their normal lives as much as possible helping those who need help and comforting those who need comfort.

You can make this virus go away and minimize the harm it causes. You can cause this turmoil, hysteria and trauma to work for the good for our culture and all your people.

Perhaps some who’ve turned away from You will return to the only real source of truth, love and goodness.

You promised to answer our prayers offered in faith and I truly believe You will do so. By posting my prayer publicly, I’m asking all Your people to join me in this prayer.

I offer this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus, our Master, Lord and Savior. Amen and Amen!

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My favorite comment:

Celeste Gentry: I pray that God watches over your family and friends, my family and friends and whom ever is reading this, I pray God watches over all of you and I and mine and continues to keep us safe and healthy and away from this horrific virus. May he protect us in the time and lift our spirts and drown our fears and doubts, All Gods children said Amen , AMEN🙌🏻🤍✝️

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