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Note: The logo above was created by my youngest daughter, Jennifer Collins, who put this site together for her “dear old Dad” (with the emphasis on “old”). When she was just a “babygirl”, maybe 5 or 6 years old, we played this little game. Jennifer would “insult” me by saying “You’re a monkey!” I would just nod my head agreeing and pretend to ignore her. She’s say, “Ok, you’re a rhinoceros!” I would again just nod my head, agreeing. This would run through similar, various cycles, depending on her mood. Then, she would almost shyly say, “Ok, you’re an elephant!”. Whereupon, I would sit bolt-upright, pretending to be very upset and say, “DON’T CALL ME AN ELEPHANT!” and send that beautiful little babygirl into peals of laughter. Even today, 40+ years later, it’s still a running joke between us as well as several others in the family. Jennifer and her mother “collect” elephants and paraphernalia (displayed in my home office) and she created a beautiful logo which is meaningful on several levels. Love my babygirl!