Have we made any progress?
Two years later, what do you think?
I posted this commentary, prayer and picture on Facebook two years ago – May 7, 2020.
I “boosted” the post (paid Facebook to make it available to any FB user). Many read it at the time and several posted comments. Today “Marge” from Virginia “shared this as a “memory”.
It made me wonder how many people read this and shared it two years ago; how many agreed with me then; and how many agree with me today.
God has shown us over the last 90 days just how quickly and easily our free country can be turned into a Police State where government can close businesses and churches and imprison us in our own homes.
To keep this in mind, I’m flying my flag every day —
1. Until most Americans are over the Panic of 2020;
2. Until most businesses are up and running again;
3. Until God’s children truly realize the danger of allowing the media and government to make us live in fear.
I pray that I can put my flag away for a time after July 4th and once again only bring it out for holidays and special occasions.
I pray for those who lead our cities, counties, states, the nation and our churches to realize what they have done by giving into irrational fear and destroying our peace of mind and our economy.
I pray for God to give them wisdom and understanding so that they will not again fall prey to the false prophecies of the “experts” and the fear-mongering of the politicians and media figures — some who hate this country like it is and who love chaos and use such things to enhance their power.
I pray that our nation will survive and perhaps even grow stronger.
I pray for all Americans and our children and grandchildren –that God will grant us the wisdom and courage to stand up more strongly for our freedom and our faith and teach our children and all others who are willing to listen. Teach them how important our freedom is and how to recognize the evil of fear-mongers and power-hungry politicians.
Likewise, teach them about the peace and contentment that only comes with our faith in God and following His ways.
May 7, 2022 My flag is still flying.
Have we made any progress as a nation and a culture?
Picture taken May 7, 2020