On this site you will find three major sections:

- My blog in which I share with you what I have learned about the Bible and God’s true religion. There is only one! “Love the LORD, your God, with all your heart, your soul and your mind”, and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” As Jesus said (paraphrasing), “On these two laws hang all the law and prophets.” In other words, those two Commandments encompass all the teaching of the Bible and what is revealed by God to mankind.
- Things related to my book, “The End from the Beginning (The Origin of Western Civilization)” including my unabashed “marketing” of that book. It is my belief that my 35 years of research compiled in that book contains much that is of importance to Christianity and all of Western Civilization.
- Music, pictures and other mementos of the twenty-seven years I spent in the music business.
I hope that you find the religious material including the book to be enlightening and informative and that you will find some interesting answers to some important questions; I hope you may also find your Christian faith strengthened or – if you’re a non-believer – you may find new reasons for taking another look at that way of life.
May God richly bless you, your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors and may He continue to bless the United States of America to protect our nation from those who would destroy our families, our churches, our country and our culture with its “rule of law” rather than the “rule of men” is my prayer.